6 Classes Over 3 Days
June 19-21, 2020
We are excited to announce the full schedule of our Harmony In Motion Weekend fundraiser. All funds go to help pay the rent for the studio.
Friday, June 19:
"Supported Outdoor Yoga", 10:15 - 11:30 am, Lisa Lipcaman
Lisa will teach a supported yoga class at an outdoor location. This class is open to all levels. Social distancing guidelines will be respected. You are encouraged to bring as many of your own props as you are able. You will be able to borrow cleaned / disinfected props if you cannot bring your own.
"Breathe Deeply", 6:00 - 7:30 pm, Marly Spieser-Schneider
In this class we will work to open the lungs, encourage breath and support the health of the respiratory system. Open to all. Delivered via Zoom.
Saturday, June 20:
"Yoga for a Strong, Flexible Spine", 10:00 - 11:30 am, Karen Coupland
Socrates said, "If you would seek health, look first to the spine". There is also another saying, "You are only as young as your spine is flexible". In this class we will explore poses that take the spine through its five directions of movement to promote its flexibility and strength.
This is a mixed level class. As well as your regular yoga props, you may also want to have a sturdy chair and wall space available for extra support. Delivered via Zoom.
Sunday, June 21:
Please note that the Feldenkrais and Yoga classes are designed to be complimentary and with the option to be taken back-to-back. However, you may take just one.
"Feldenkrais Class with a Twist", 10:00 - 11:00 am, Dale Jensen
This one hour, beginner-friendly class will feature one of the numerous twisting patterns from the Feldenkrais Method. Take a deep(er) dive into your twist and come out elongated, balanced and relaxed. You will need a place to lie on the floor, a mat if desired, and a few folded towels or a couple Mexican blankets for support). Delivered via Zoom.
"Iyengar Yoga with a Twist", 11:15 - 12:30 pm, Pam Lindberg
Pam will carry on the twist theme of the morning teaching a variety of seated and standing twists. It would be handy to have a couple of blankets and blocks in addition to your yoga mat. This class is open to all levels. Delivered via Zoom.
"Nia", 2:00 - 3:00 pm, Teresa Myers
Nia is a full body (physical, mental, emotion and spirit) wellness movement practice. It combines 52 moves which are designed and guided by the body's way with consciously chosen music to provide an open invitation to move something, heal something, feel something. This class is available to everyBODY! It can be adapted to allow you to move in your body's way, while staying connect to pleasure and the joy of movement. Delivered via Zoom.
- ALL proceeds go to pay the rent at Harmony in Motion Studio. Thanks to all of our teachers for their generosity!
- Individual class fees are $20 for 90 minutes, $15 for 60-75 minute classes. You can buy an "All Access Pass" and attend all classes offered over the weekend for $60.
- During registration you will have the option of making an additional donation towards rent. This is strictly optional.
- If you require reduced fees due to financial hardship, please enter the coupon code "HIMW-REDUCED-FEE" at checkout for a 50% reduction.
- Register for each class you plan to attend.
- Additional information will be sent to you upon registration including Zoom link (or location for the outdoor class(es), props required, space needs, etc.
- You will need to provide your own props.
- Most of these classes will be delivered via Zoom which requires a device with internet connectivity.
- Pre-registration is required.
- Please register as soon as possible. Registration deadline is
Thursday, June 18 at 5:00 pm.
Clicking the link below will take you to secure online registration via AcuityScheduling:
We would like everyone to register online if at all possible. If you would like to pay with a check you may do so - just select 'Pay Later' during the registration process and mail your check payable to Harmony In Motion Studio to:
Harmony In Motion Studio
1955 Pauline Blvd, Suite 100B
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48103
If you would prefer to skip online registration, we will gladly accept your email/phone registration as well.
Contact the Studio to register via email (include (1) which classes you are attending, (2) the total amount your are contributing). You may also call Dale (734-646-9368) to register.
Checks should be made out to Harmony In Motion Studio and mailed to the studio:
Harmony In Motion Studio
1955 Pauline Blvd, Suite 100B
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48103